Frequently Asked Questions
How can I tell if my school or group will accept my completed community service hours?
All schools and groups have different standards as to what qualifies as volunteer service. Please use the description below to check that Community Service In A Box will count toward your hours.
Service Project Description:
Ten Hours of Volunteer service will consist of showing gratitude for unsung heroes in the Good-giver’s community by completing the following tasks.
- Identifying unsung heroes in the community
- Writing 10 thank you notes to unsung heroes
- Decorating 10 goody bags & filling with thank you notes and treats
- Hand-delivering goody bags to unsung heroes
- Answering reflection questions on the project
How do I get started?
You can get started by purchasing a Community Service in a Box, by clicking here. Your package will arrive in a few days and you begin by registering your Box. We will walk you through every step to make it easy and fun!
How do I choose the right unsung heroes?
Choosing the right unsung heroes is the best part! Think of people in your community who don’t get nearly enough “thanks” for all they do to make your life, or the lives of those around you, better. Talk to friends, family or teachers and make a list of people or organizations that inspire you. Or, simply go for a walk! Chances are, there are “heroes” all over your community.
Can a friend and I share one Box?
We love fun activities with friends too, but each Box is designed for one person to complete and get certified for all 10 hours of service. There are probably lots of unsung heroes nearby for your friend to complete their own Box! Share with a friend by clicking here!
What if I can’t decide on just one group of heroes?
That’s a great problem to have! You aren’t limited to just one group of recipients, so do projects for as many unsung heroes as you want!
What goes in the goody bag?
Inside every goody bag you create will be a postcard to say “thanks!” and a few pieces of candy. All of the items come in your Box that arrives by mail, as well as an instruction booklet, parent info card, markers, and a tote bag to keep your goodies organized.
How can I share my experience?
Some of the steps in your journey will be to document your bags and the people you give them to. So, you will be asked to upload photos of your project. You can check out what others have created on our Share Your Good page. Also, make sure you tag us on Instagram with @communityserviceinabox
Can I see examples of what others have done?
You can check out what others have created on our Share Your Good page. Check it out!
How do I get my community service hours certified?
Register your Box online and follow the instructions in the booklet. You will create and deliver the goody bags, upload photos, and answer some reflection questions. When you’ve completed everything you will be asked to submit for certification review. The Community Service In A Box team will handle your certification and mail you the proper documents to prove you are certified for 10 hours of service. Get started!